International Women's Day: not all is doom but most is gloom

By: Ibrahim Jalloh - (Jallomy)

Yes, we look back and look forward to the great day. The world sometimes, if not most times, portrays men as the monsters in the corridors of women's "enmancipation" and "gender equality". As a man I have worked for women all my life. Yet, the global space entertains that women are marginalized by men.

No man is responsible for the current gender configuration in our society. It is the way it is as a cultural conditioning. Simply put, gender is societal ascription of roles between men and women. So let us all work to do cultural reconfiguration on gender.

Year in year out, celebration of the international women's day is a stalk reality, confined in the urban corridors of our society with elite women making the loudest uncoordinated noise but extremely not countenancing the majority of women in the farms, the quarries and water sides struggling to give a little meaning and hope to their aptly described horrible lives.

I think the problem of women is women!

We stand in solidarity with women to not only celebrate but reflect on the sincerity of purpose and the power of change locked in this global event.

Congratulations to all women in all strata of society
