Religious Heads are our Leaders too

By: AbdulRahman Barrie

It has come to my attention that across the country and the globe, some Quranic teachers and Imams have been let go because the masjids don't have income to pay them their salaries.

I strongly urge the members of ALL communities to make this issue public and don't be embarrassed about your low finances. Let forward the message to our various community members if the need be. Our Quranic teachers, or Imams, have dedicated their lives to the spiritual betterment of our community.

Typically, the community is their main source of income (and also typically, he doesn't even have health insurance for his family). While it is understandable that the masjids accounts are low because people are not coming to masjids, and it is true that almost all of us are suffering, to (in effect) let go or neglect the Imam during this time is just not acceptable.

The responsibility is on the Board members and on all community members to understand that the staff and religious leaders still need to live and take care of their families.

Let every community come together and make sure that the people they rely on to teach them deserve to be taken care of at this time, and during all times. We are all in this together; take care of your religious leaders as you would your own extended families.

I'm genuinely hurt to see and to have heard of over a dozen cases of Quranic teachers/Imams let go, some of whom I know personally, none of whom will go public because they have too much dignity to ask for help. No one asked me to write this but someone need to speak out.

