Global Multi-Television Press Release

Press Release:
23rd May, 2020
Makeni-Sierra Leone

In difficult and challenging times we had sailed through as a nation, Ebola was a typical example. And again, we face another tragedy, COVID19. Like all others, this too shall come to pass. We will triumph over this challenge.

You have been among the best people in my circle that has supported and impacted me and my ventures in one way or the other. And today, I want to celebrate and thank you for all you are and have been to me.

Again, I want to inform you, like I always do about anything new in my career path.

Our company, Global Multimedia, will soon launch it online Tv series captioned:

"Global Multimedia Online TV"

I need your support in this like you've always done.

Please 🙏share the attached flyer on your status, and with all your network to help the company reach a greater audience. Thanks.

Humbly Yours,
Idrissa Jerry Kargbo.
