Media Junction, Hon. Abu Abu and the Second Coming

By: Ibrahim Jalloh - (Jallomy)✍️

"It was frank, revealing, foundational and truly repentant". This was how a Civil Society advocate summed up our encounter with the Resident Minister of North East, Hon. Abu Abu on his second coming as Resident Minister.

Media Junction is running on for close to five years now but since two years ago when Hon Abu Abu was appointed Resident Minister, it was only  yesterday Sunday, June 21 that he mustered courage to face the Junction. For many public figures, Media Junction is a disturbing and discomforting moment and one that literally drags public figures to a moment of moral guilt for acts of omission or Commission.

The rancour and furor that characterised the suspension and reinstatement of Hon. Abu Abu were conditioned by a lot of externalities, prominent among which was the politics of "proving a point". In reality, it was less of the inappropriate statement made by the Honorable.

One month suspension of a serving Minister of government was an unpleasant experience. It was demoralizing, deflating and depressing. One can imagine the racing thoughts that were sweeping across the mind of the beleaguered minister. Certainly, Hon. Abu Abu was psychologically depressed, a depression that triggered regret leading to remorse and the call for forgiveness.

Hon. Abu Abu's Job has been difficult and will continue to be difficult given the context and the environment in which he operates. The North of Sierra Leone is the opposition stronghold and the district of Bombali is the heartland of the opposition with Makeni being the heart of the heartlands of the opposition. So navigating in this environment and under this context will always be challenging. It takes strong leadership and significant restraint to hold on and maintain the balance.

The statement that attracted the suspension of Hon. Abu Abu was provoked by the obvious and callous resistance to the conventional safety protocols of the Coronavirus and the related conversion of the spirit of enforcement to instruments of war as manifested in Lunsar, Tombo and Mile 38. The desparation of the moment robbed him of the understanding of the context, timing and audience. Consequently, he went wrong and attracted the wrath of the people and decisive action of the president.

Punishment has an ultimate end: refinement and restitution. It follows the sequence: crime, punishment, atonement and restitution. The cardinal objective is not to render the offender paralyzed and useless but to bounce back and make amends. I want to be bold to say this might be the consideration that pleased the president to reinstate the Honorable.

The Hon. Abu Abu has a history of unflinching loyalty to the SLPP and endurance with near actions of persecution. Realistically therefore, a single inappropriate conduct cannot easily kill that history. This was his saving grace!

The second coming of Hon. Abu Abu is a great opportunity for growth. The punishment has redemptive opportunities. He has been pardoned but he alone can redeem himself. 

Media Junction provided the biggest platform to Hon. Abu Abu to address a community with a mood at variance.

Hon. Abu Abu said and stated the right things. His mood was relaxed and truly repentant. His body language was reconciliatory and he succeeded in converting the media platform to a solid foundation for reconciliation and moving on. 

The outcome of the media Junction engagement was greater public understanding and acclamation for Hon. Abu Abu. He actually won the day and drove through the hearts and minds of the people of Makeni city, the heart of the heartlands of the opposition APC. Like the aftermath of Mark Anthony's speech in Shakespeare's Julius Ceasar, the dynamics changed after the media Junction engagement. Media Junction did not do a PR for Hon. Abu Abu but he did his assignment well and took advantage of the moment.

There are loaded lessons. The president of the republic took a decision with a clear message. Hon. Abu Abu has the greatest opportunity to right the wrong and continue in active service with the people of North East.
