Fule Scarcity in Makeni

The reckless exploitation of fuel dealers and "Jebu traders":

By: Ibrahim Jalloh -(Jallomy)

Fuel and its price have sky rocket today in the North Eastern Capital of Makeni City. Today, February 1, and days to come will be economic burden and social discomfort to residents of Makeni City and her immediate environs and, of course, the territorial communities of North East Region. A liter of fuel today in Makeni is costing between le 12,000.00 and 15,000.00. 

The reason is hopelessly hopeless: Tanker drivers and mates heading up to Makeni from Freetown refused to take the test, the result of which is a major and absolute requirement to enter and exit the Western Area who has epidemiologically graduated as epi center! 

Those violaters were refused entry and hence the shortage of fuel. The reckless situation is now being exploited by fuel dealers on the ground by facilitating a parallel market. 

No action from any quarters: the police is complacently absent and a field day is commissioned. Residents of Makeni are crying under this yoke. Can somebody act?
