April fool gone wrong: Comedian Yematta traps Kindo Armani in trending skirts

By: Alsuine Rehme Wilson 
April 1st every year in Sierra Leone is recognized as “April Fool’s Day” and many people across districts in the West African country do make attempts to cajoling others to fall in their prank traps. 

But this year’s April’s 1st saw two of Sierra Leone’s most trending comedians Kindo Armani and Yematta one minutes, fifty seven seconds-(1:57) long skirt stole the show as things turned out to be unfortunate for Comedian Kindo Armani whose attempt to use the day to prank comedian Yematta after he was being trapped backfired. 

In the video, Kindo Armani who was being slapped thrice by Yematta haven loose his guards in an attempt to see his girlfriend named Fatu, Yematta’s treasured daughter and ventured to Connelly bale himself out pretending he was at Yematta’s compound to cajole and also prank him being the day was April 1st (Fools Day) as he has been doing over the years on the said date.

The video by the experienced duo remains trending on the internet as now floats on multiple social media handles including Facebook and WhatsApp and the said video that was posted by Kindo Armani on his 11,000,000 plus official Facebook account has been viewed more than 4,900,000 times, liked 1,000,000 times, shared 43 times with some 250 comments completing the skits from the versatile comedians.
