Fake ASP in Makeni Police Nest

By: alusinerehme.wilson@awokonewspaper.sl

On Tuesday, 3rd May, 2022 the Makeni Police Operations troop arrested a certain man in full police attires with the rank of Assistant Supretendent of Police - (ASP) impersonating.

Upon his arrest, the accused was taken to the Mena Police Unit in Makeni, Northern-Sierra Leone where statement was obtained from him and has been since detained in police cell. 

Investigation mounted by this media indicates that the accused who was arrested “for impersonation, false pretense of being an officer of the law of the Republic of Sierra Leone is actually a former Policeman who has been since dismissed from the Sierra Leone Police for misconducts.”

Meanwhile the police officers dealing with the said matter have declined to speak to the press while the North-East Media Office remain closed for interviews at the moment but one of the media officers John Abass Kamara, told Awoko that “ all media officers attached at the said office are currently in Freetown on another official duty, and cannot comment on the underlining matter until further notice.”
