Makeni Local court No. 1 Clerk says Challenge Cases dominate the cases they adjudicate

By: Alusine Rehme Wilson
Morlai Kargbo, the court clerk attached at local court No. 1 located at Turntable area in Makeni Northern Sierra Leone said Challenge cases tops the total number of cases they deliver judgments on since 2021.

He further revealed that such cases limit the court to levying fines because most of the cases that are sermons at our court range from depts. cases, alleged use of abusive languages, married palavers amongst others and both plaintiffs and defendants normally agree to striking compromises for out of courts settlements.

“Since 2021, we’ve received over 100 summonses and dealt with the majority of such summons but to be frank, the majority of such cases are challenge contests between plaintiffs and defendants with a bulk of these cases being redrawn for home settlements.

“We’ve stated provisions to act on, that will help to see persons being tried and if found guilty of the alleged crimes be fined according to law and such monies be paid to boost the treasury but out-of-court settlements are limiting that possibility.” Kargbo further disclosed.
