30 Journalists benefits from MRCG-SL’s Transitional Justice Training

By: alusinerehme.wilson@awokonewspaper.sl
A total of 30 Journalists from various districts in the North-West and Northern Regions have received capacity building training on Transitional Justice from the Media Reform Coordinating Group-Sierra Leone-(MRCG-SL).

The day’s training which took place at the Where Else hall in Makeni city on Monday, 25th April, 2022 was facilitated by two UNIMAK Lectures namely Shebora Samba Kamara and Matthew Kanu, enlightened the Journalists working for several radio, television and newspaper institutions in the two northern regions on a number of topics including the meaning of Transitional Justice, Transitional Justice Mechanisms as well as Media and Transitional Justice.
The Journalists were further trained on how to report on Transitional Justice issues in their respective regions and the nation by extension before they went on and identified Transitional Justice Issues evident in the North-West and Northern Regions, presented their work and proffered action plans on the subject matter.

In line with the training theme: “Engaging the Media and Communities to change the narrative on Transitional Justice in Sierra Leone”, Dr. Francis Sowa the National Coordination of MRCG-SL disclosed that the training is one of the many trainings designed for a total of 100 Journalists across all districts nationwide that has been funded by the Africa Transitional Justice Legacy Fund-(ATJLF) by way of preparing Journalists to be reporting on Transitional Justice issues in their prevalent in their various communities.

Dr. Sowa further said, the project also seeks to select a total of twenty journalists nationwide to serve as Mentees for the MRCG-SL/ATJLF Fellowship on Transitional Justice Reporting that will train and provide for the would be 20 Mentees to produce, develop, publish and broadcast two stories each for six months with the MRCG-SL Secretariat to provide transportation and communication reimbursements for them.

At the end of the training, the participants vowed to utilize and share the knowledge learnt with their colleagues in their respective newsrooms, promote Transitional Justice reporting in their communities, collaborate with the MRCG-SL Secretariat to be producing and reporting on Transitional Justice issues, establish radio and television programs on Transitional Justice as well as promised to streamline Transitional Justice issues to current affairs programs.
