Distancing Politics from the due process of Law

By: Ibrahim Jalloh – (Jallomy)

The landmark ruling of the Jury on the treason trial of erstwhile former Minister of Internal Affairs, Alfred Paolo Konteh and two others, points to the decomposing culture of political interference in state related matters.

What was wrongly ascribed to be a victory for Paolo Konteh was in truth and fact an irreversible victory for President Julius Maada Bio for conspicuously standing aside and allowing the wheels of justice to spin and rest on a definite conclusion.

Sierra Leoneans were held spellbound and in utter disbelief conditioned by the enduring culture of political interference in state related cases. I stand to be corrected but no generation of government in Sierra Leone has ever lost a treason trial! 

We still contend with the brutal memory of the historically damaging case against the state for wrongfully and unconstitutionally sacking the former Vice President Sam Sumana.

In the end, the state was exonerated and the President was granted right to sack his Vice President. The ruling on the treason trial of Paolo Konteh was redeeming and uplifting for the judiciary. Democracy and the Rule of Law are triumphant.
